Friday, November 12, 2010

It's Only Paint

When we moved to this home about 17 years ago I painted over the hideous wallpaper in a goldish hue, put up a fruit border that was very stylish for the 90's and haven't touched it since. About three months ago I got the fever to re-do the kitchen. At first I came up with a grand plan which included moving walls, replacing floors and appliances, get the picture, major $$$. Soon, very soon after getting the final bid for this fabulous make-over I came to my senses and came up with an alternative plan :) This plan basically involved paint! As I have told my friends and clients for years, paint is the easiest and least expensive way to make a huge change in your home. Choosing paint color can cause major anxiety for some people but as I always say "it's only paint" and it can be painted over when we make mistakes and believe me.....we ALL do!

While this project is still a work in progress, I am happy with how it's coming along and can't believe how much the paint has tranformed my kitchen.